Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Brahma & Savitri Temple

Brahma Temple
The most important temple in the world where Lord Brahma worshipped. This temple is the only temple dedicated to Brahma. Brahma the Hindu god of creation, four headed facing and all four directions symbolizing his presence everywhere. The temple has marble floors and stairs and coins have been put by the devotees to mark the the births and deaths of their loved ones.

Savitri Temple
This temple is dedicated to 'Mata Savitri'. this is situated on the hill behind the Brahma temple and a long series of steps has to be climbed to reach it. It gives a beautiful picturesque view of the Pushkar Lake and the surrounding sand dune villages. According to legend while Brahma was performing a sacred rituals his wife Savitri not present. Since the presence was essential for rituals Brahma hastily married a local maiden. when Savitri heard about this she flew in to a rage.

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